Thursday, 15 August 2019

Introducing VH-BAC

It’s cold in Bathurst!  Our day began with a walk at 7:45 am to find some breakfast in -3 deg Celsius.  Although cold it was a calm, crisp morning and not unpleasant.

Although both licensed to fly in Australia, Simon and I each have to undertake a flight review to ensure our licenses are current. Our flight reviews were scheduled with Ward Air.  Arriving at Ward Air we were introduced to Matt Norgrave and the Ward Air team and made to feel very welcome.  We then walked down to the Bathurst Aero Club to be introduced to VH-BAC - the aircraft we’ve hired for our trip.

VH-BAC is a 1999 Cessna 172S which the Bathurst Aero Club has owned since new.  Powered by a 180Hp,  IO-360 she’s well equipped, in good condition and is well setup for cruising with GPS, VOR, ADF and an autopilot. Although not particularly fast, VH-BAC cruises at an honest 110kts (203km/hr) and has an endurance of 4.8hrs (with reserves) which is more than enough for some of the long legs we’ll do ... and she’s got comfy sheepskin seats 😍.

Our flight reviews involved demonstrating steep turns, stalls in clean and landing configurations, a simulated forced landing and various circuits and other emergency procedures that took about 1.25hrs each.  By the time we each flew it was a lovely clear, calm day. 

Flying with an unknown instructor is always a bit of a test.  They don’t know you and you don’t know them.  However, thorough and standardised aviation disciplines quickly erode any apprehensiveness (for both parties) and it can actually be quite good fun particularly in an area you’re unfamiliar with.  Both Simon and I both enjoyed our flight reviews and the relaxed but thorough way Matt conducted them.

After our flights we reviewed our planned route with Matt and he checked we were using the correct resources for sourcing weather, NOTAMS, etc. Both Simon and I use AvPlan EFB and do all our planning with electronic resources.  I think Matt was quite impressed at how quickly and effectively we can prepare aflight plan and vary a plan enroute using AvPlan.  All of the instructors at Ward Air were genuinely impressed with the route we plan to fly over the next 3 weeks and they were all very helpful with “tips and tricks”.  One of those was how to get flies out of the aircraft as they can be a real nuisance in flight. I can’t wait to show you how we plan to do that!

VH-BAC is a lovely aircraft, flies smoothly, straight and true and both Simon and I are now “legal” to fly.  Tomorrow the adventure begins ...

VH-BAC, An Aircraft Eagerly Awaiting an Adventure

Oh Dear - So Many Knobs & Buttons

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