We said goodbye to the Kimberley today ☹️ and started east on our trek through the middle of the Australian continent. From here on the temperatures in the low 30’s that we’ve been enjoying will reduce. The scenery will be considerably different as we cross the Tanami, Simpson and Stryzelecki Deserts that challenge those unfortunate enough to travel by land.
After calling into Derby for fuel we set heading for Halls Creek 240nm away.
On the 2.5hr leg to Halls Creek I took the opportunity to log some instrument time. As both Simon and I are both rated to fly the Cessna 172 and Simon could take control of the aircraft from me if it became necessary, he can act as a Safety Pilot. That allows me to use “foggles” to restrict my vision to just the aircraft instruments. I can’t see outside and must keep the aircraft on track and at an appropriate height by sole reference to the instruments. This can be challenging as your senses play tricks on you and you have to learn to trust the instruments and not what the “seat of your pants” is telling you. As I fly on my own at home and don’t have access to a Safety Pilot who is rated in my aircraft I don’t get much opportunity to log simulated instrument time. This was a good opportunity to brush up on my instrument flying skills.
I flew 1.2hrs using the foggles in generally smooth conditions and didn’t do too bad a job - if I do say so myself. Relaxing and making small and gentle control inputs is the key. Just to be a nuisance Simon got me to deviate from track on one occasion and then made me re-intercept it. Plus he seemed to take great delight in talking to me and asking me questions to disrupt my concentration.
Just to add some spice, I opted to follow the instrument approach procedure into Halls Creek and when I took the foggles off - wow, there was the runway. Great fun.
Leg Summary:
Route: Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm (YCYG) - Derby (YDBY)
Distance: 68nm (126km)
Time: 0.9hrs
Alt: 1,500ft
Route: Derby (YDBY] - Halls Creek (YHLC)
Distance: 240nm (444km)
Time: 2.6hrs
Alt: 3,500, 5,500 & 7,500ft